Here are 3 things happening in Mauritius this week!
1) Consultation for the ICT Amendments Act is extended for another 2 weeks, giving people until 20th May to send in their comments regarding the proposed changes.
The ICT (Internet and Communications Technologies) Act covers a broad range of topics intended to protect users when online. Most recently, there have been proposed amendments to the Act, which have caused human rights concerns, as they will allow Mauritian authorities to police social media, store important information like passwords for an undisclosed amount of time, and track people using their IP address.
A consultation was opened for people to send in their comments- an initial deadline of 5th May has now been extended by 2 weeks.
You can sign the petition against the ICT Act here, and send your comments for the consultation to socialmediaconsultation@icta.mu.
2) 2nd phase of lockdown easing goes ahead in Mauritius (except for in 5 ‘red zone villages’)
Mauritius underwent its second phase of reopening this Saturday, May 1, 2021 except in the five villages which declared red zones on Friday : Tyack, Bénarès, Batimarais, Rivière-des-Anguilles and Saint-Aubin.
3) Mauritius suffers another week of adverse weather, affecting mainly the South and Central Plateau – causing severe flooding and damage.